Final day in Edinburgh

Final day in Edinburgh

Train Ride

On our last day in Edinburgh we decided to make our way into the Scottish  Highlands and see the countryside and coastline. When night came we would be traveling to London on a night bus. We woke up early in the morning on the 29th and quickly walked to both the train and the bus station(both located very close to one another) so we knew where to go and which train/ bus we would take. Afterwards we enjoyed breakfast at our hostel(£1.50) and made sure everything we had been nicely put together. Checkout for the hostel was 10am, which left a whole day to plan. So we checked out of our hostel and proceeded to the train station, it’s busy but not crowded and easy to maneuver, to buy our tickets. We choose a small town closer to Edinburgh as our destination, Pitlochry. After putting our larger bags in luggage storage we boarded the train. It’s a smooth ride to Pitlochry with rolling hills, coastlines, and small cottages and Manors along the way. Around 12 pm we made it to our little stop and explored the small little town stopping for brunch at a small café and looking in on a small bookshop. Soon 4 o’clock came and with the time our train would take us back toward Edinburgh. We took advantage of this time by trying to get as much out of the Wi-Fi as we possibly could and catching up on some much-needed rest. That rest of the day was spent walking the town, shopping, and eating in a candle lit restaurant off one of Edinburgh’s many alleyways. Afterwards it was finally time to leave Edinburgh, a great first stop on our month-long adventure, but it was time to leave Edinburgh behind us and move forward toward London.

9 thoughts on “Final day in Edinburgh

  1. Can’t wait for the next leg of your adventure. It sounds like Edinburgh was a very interesting place. Glad to hear you too are able to see so much in such a short period of time.

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